Search results for query: HIMLEN+I+MIN+FAMN+LYRICS

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NDJENJA [English Lyrics]

…Intro: I don’t know what to say anymore I don’t have a single word left You took my soul You shattered my heart Chorus: Why are you playing with FEELINGS It’s not ok to play with feelings-you Where are you my love…

49.21 %
Beliver lyrics suomeksi
27.77 %
Pokémon (Finnish Lyrics)
Anssi Känsälä
25.85 %
Ritva oksanen vanhaa viiniä lyrics
Ritva oksanenju
25.23 %
A family of my own

…to my warrior, he is my bunny, we have every kind of fun there, in our house, you could be my spouse. I just try to write my lyrics, with these people it is rough, they dont interest me all all, they just do their things, they way, they think, people dont have any light, of their own.…

24.91 %
Minä ja mandoliini
Kauko käyhkö

Min' reissupoika oon mulla mandoliini on…

20.49 %

I heard you to say "claro", its ok, you life your life selffish way, anyway. I just really dont have, so much to do, I just write the lyrics, to have something to do, since the company, doesnt interest me at all. I

15.53 %
Jag Vill Leva I Europa
Arja Saijonmaa

…skratta och gråta och dansa Jag är yr och förlorad och kär När jag tänker på hela Europa Och på oss som hör hemma här Jag såg in i backspegelns imma Min blick var ganska betryckt Den sa: "Det finns flera millioner Som…

14.58 %
Rich Girl

I been lost and I been found I got back on track somehow Mama told me that your home is where you lay your heart Hold on, I been lost and I been found I don't have much but I got all I need Just lay back and ride with…

14.57 %