Search results for query: My+friend

Song and Artist Hit-%
My sweet friend
Piia Myyry

…For you, my sweet friends, over the years, in the same hills, in the forest cities, where there is dark nights, you are my angel, oll the nights, you give me something, without i cant life, its like a magic, all night…

100.00 %
I have no friends
Piia Myyry

…I write to myself, I am mtv generation, its my friend, i do everything myself, there is not much aid, I have no friends. You all still have your cosy lifes, in vienna its really a city style, grinzing wineyards and…

65.73 %
doctor friends
Piia Myyry

…I have my childhood friend, they are kind, nice to be with good friends, you cant really brake peoples bones, you like golden cut, breaking everybodies bones. you dont let them to do their work, you are so hyperactive…

57.19 %
Just a friend
Piia Myyry

…are just beyond it all, but you seem to want more and more. You all seem to guide your friends, they all have already kids and other games. You are still in the same level, you havent wanted more, just a friend.…

56.92 %
Friend Like Me
50.68 %
Take a look at girlfriend
Sam golbach

…Badada vasara Take a look at my girlfiend…

44.58 %
Rendezvous With Anus

…Walk the streets what do I see Shit on legs approaching me Alright, I really want it Oh yeah, I gotta have it Come on baby lets dance again Jerk that head and be my friend Merging Zeus and Spartacus In ren-ren-ren-ren…

37.86 %
The magic of friendship grows
My little pony: Friendship Is Magic
35.84 %
We're Not Flawless
My little pony: Friendship Is Magic
35.77 %
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