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Nobody wants to see them
Piia Myyry

…they are born, you want a sick child, to nurse them, since it is your profession, you really must be crazy, to get the aid from the state, illegal way.…

58.90 %
Just to accomodate

…always someone to keep company, or nurse you, I dont know how it is so difficult, I just really enjoy of it, I dont really need people to feel full. I dont know how people are like that, in Norden countries, someone is…

55.52 %
You take peoples lives
Piia Myyry

…You beat people with white collar crimes, 'now you are a nurse and a doctor, you have taken several lifes, 'you are so mental, that we see movies, of these peoples faces, you follow every day the same people, until you…

46.49 %
Do everything
Piia Myyry

…You are not social at all, I dont want so know, what you thing, space is enough for me, you dont need to nurse me, i dont like your work, or people you see. You really dont have anything of your own, you wonder…

46.43 %
Steen1 feat. Mariska

…been looking a way or spell to resist an abusive nurse/caretaker and though an escape in a world of adults, in at children's prison (=foster home) there is not one. Day after day It walks endless hallways and to It nurses

42.68 % gets rid of you
Piia Myyry

…You all want to nurse your kids at home,' they dont want to go to schools, and use uniforms, you all like your secured lifes, so it seems but you have your own lifes, you all have separated from the schools, its your…

40.23 %
Piia Myyry

…, who has your kid at Oviendo, I am not your nurse, or friend, those are not my needs. You really waste my time, they kill the fetuses, in their heath gates, so thay you dont get, what you need, you do it over and over…

40.23 %
Space with violance
Piia Myyry

…payroll, you make people sick , all day long. You call yourself doctor or nurse, you make allthe cases on your own, you beat them to suffer and so on. All your time h´goes to somebody else, 'you do what you want, in your…

40.19 %
Eminem lose yourself suomeksi
17.80 %