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Urjalan taikayö
Martti "Huuhaa" Innanen

…Urjalaan, vie ne juosten huimalaan Hei huu ja rati riti ralla nyt on riemut riihen orren alla Ensin kaikki puimaan, sitten kaikki uimaan, sitten kaikki joukolla kuivaamaan Hei huu ja rati riti ralla nyt on riemut riihen…

57.73 %
Marital obligations
Piia Myyry

…come and go, and the sheets are waving, you have your manhood, its vital during the days, you need it, you love your manly life, it all comes from the work, its really not the girls world. Its now a srping time, you guide…

11.65 %
The marital obligations

…, much more, that you really know. I am sure you are aware of that, you are sporty, you are physical, at your needs, be mine, during this time, I want to get married, and have a proper love life, just have the marital obligations, feel the heat and your libido.…

10.09 %
Jouko tekoniemi:tunturitiellä
Matias Sassali
8.61 %
Matias Sassali
8.29 %
Heippatirallaa saakeli
7.59 %
7.03 %
I want my own life
Piia Myyry

…, and prevent their lves, it feeds your soul, it all goes easily. You come to eat in same tables, you really kill them when you need food, and all the storage, where you put the things, you beat them to the diffenent…

6.76 %
Suti sunffati rallalei
Lahden mieskuoro
6.64 %