Black cats

Piia Myyry

You all like Ricky Martin, black cats and woodoo dolls, you like black magic knock out sex, you think its legal, but it is not, you like violence hole lifetime, you come from bid cities, where, gouping is important, for grouds of people,

You all have a countryside lifes, the city like doesnt excite, you all have the same groups as young lifes, you all have morging sickness, you are all rondo, like they say it in spanish, when they have babies.

You all have easy work, its all the time the same homeviolance, all day long, you beat women with the shadow tools, you dont know what they are, you like your new mouses, you run your kartell, beat the new, and new, micky mouses, you all like, to have a good parties, its making people to wheel chairs, so that they cant have sex, it belongs to the people, who have low incomes, you like to beat even women, thats what you need.

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