Over the long nights

Piia Myyry

Same atmosphere all day long, ' you like long nights, and big fights, you like to show the green light, what you want, you must have all your life, to do something on your own. You like your local life, you have no money to move out, you love you dog, its your style, you like long distance flights, stay on planes all nights, see the sunlight, when it all rise.

You all have the same life, playing with the kids. evenings and nights, you have no luck, you just want to see the daylight, its your small talk, you like life, your summer is with your friends, ' they like to party, you like money and life, its brings security and a new child, over the long nights.

You bring roses, you like romantic nights, you have your school friends, you havent really seen the life, you all have your best friends, you dont seen them they have a life, somewhere else, there is many lifes, around the land, you can choose your stops, it all your life, you can start now, tonight.

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