Search results for query: Everybody die in their nightmares

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Their life and inheritages
Piia Myyry

…such a games, all live in the center of cities, where people spend their working days. You all have your dream lifes, you have wanted not so much, you are like childs, beating other peoples wifes, until thay die, then you want again something, their life and inheritages and money.…

64.17 %
All have their own games
Piia Myyry

…have no gate. Its risky in every way, you have to obey the rules, or to see another kinf´d of days. Health gate is a trusted gate, the tolarance is zero for crimes in eu, its not a game. you think people are good, court…

58.22 %
Whoever Brings the Night

…We seduce the dark with pain and rapture Like two ships that pass in the night You and I, a whore and a bashful sailor Welcome to a sunrise of a dirty mind All you love is a lie You one-night butterfly Hurt me, be the

54.81 %
The Kinslayer (Live)
54.14 %
The Forever Moments

…from the deep Sing me a lullaby of eternal sleep Wilt blow wee plant that last to recall As in silence we sing to reborn…

53.84 %
A Return to the Sea

…A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

53.40 %
Return To The Sea

…A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

53.40 %
bodies everywhere
piia myyry

…Bodies on the strees, bodies which I feel, Bodies to feed, bodies on TVs, more biutterness at home to see. Bodies without the directions, bodies seeking their wifes from clothes shops. Bodies, who want to fullfill their

53.13 %
The Kinslayer
52.50 %