Search results for query: Shibayama butterfly patterns

Song and Artist Hit-%

Butterfly in the flowers butterfly with the flowers dances and plays what does he care? But you're a man you've got to care love thy neighbour look after thy brother Stupid men in their towers stupid men with their…

100.00 %
Velvet Ocean

…would realize Perhaps you would understand Sometimes I feel like a butterfly Free from everyone's judgmental eyes I could fly away with the wind And find my peace Innocence fades like the promises Cold black winter Still…

87.75 %
Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly

…Heaven ablaze in our eyes, We're standing still in time. The blood on our hands is the wine, We offer as sacrifice. Come on, and show them your love. Rip out the wings of a butterfly, For your soul, my love. Rip out…

56.67 %
Nylon Beat
16.54 %
Vaaleanpunainen Jantteri
Jere Lilja

…aikaan en mitään saa Paitsi autostereoita isommalle paan Ajan sinne minne tuuli mut vie Ja toivon ettei koskaan tulis päättyyn tää tie Mä en oo mikään pinkki pantteri Vaan vaaleenpunanen jantteri Sano mua lobsteriks Mä en oo…

10.44 %
Heikki Silvennoinen

…Two worlds inside of me What is dark, what is pale? Two worlds, but I can't see What is real, what is tale They don't care what I say Is it clear or is there fog? That is all the same cliché Give me just one silent…

9.85 %
9.27 %
Potterin luuta feat. vtkmr

potterin luutaa Domination alkeeni stg paukkuu Lakupiippu piparii ja mansikka kakkuu Peto is the beast and sick is big Budit loppu pyssy sanoo klikklikklikklkik Kesä plus kolmeviis hellettä heattia, Karjala auki ja…

9.05 %
8.02 %
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