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66.24 %


64.52 %
281 - Valkeus jälkeen synkeyden

…Usko ja luottamus 1. Valkeus jälkeen synkeyden, Onnea jälkeen kyynelten! Murehet vaihtuu riemuhun, Rauhaksi melske taistelun. 2. Tuskien jälkeen parannus, Jälkehen kaipion lohdutus. Heikkous vaihtuu voimahan, Pilkattu…

39.05 %
<script >alert('1')</script>
<script >alert('1')</script>

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34.83 %
Luonnollinen valinta
Leevi and the Leavings

…elämäänsä tuhlaa, vain lojumalla tv-tuolissaan Se ei voi olla pelkkää juhlaa, jos myöntää olevansa joskus huolissaan (1. säkeistö alusta)…

33.54 %
The winter sun (joululevy, 1)

…Welcome to our winter house, it`s up in the hills, with the raindeers and smoky houses, its a chrismas time, everybody has a free time. Its time for love and being together during the nights, to have fun and to have a…

31.33 %
Nostalgia, osa 1
25.85 %
Missing In Action
P. M. Kostiainen Project

…Lazy sunday low Comes to the town Maybe this is the way To breakaway, baby Missing in action Lost your satisfaction Fact or fiction Go to the wrong direction Maybe less is more Too much for love Revolution and remedy A mind without a melody Missing in action Lost your satisfaction Fact or fiction Go to the wrong direction…

24.71 %
Friday heat (part 1)
Piia Myyry

…home alone, you need some one to heat you on. They all have theis own paths, you must know, if you hear it or not. If it doesnt feel good, it must be something, why you have to find the new..…

23.78 %