Search results for query: katri niskanen inga dark blue

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Precious Dark

…Island, Big Blue Turn off the light, close your eyes wide shut And welcome the precious dark" There was always a place that you knew of You were holding the keys all along There was always a game that you knew of Now you're…

41.62 %
Dark Chest of Wonders

…chest once more Dark chest of wonders Seen through the eyes Of the one with pure heart Once so long ago The one in the Big Blue is what the world stole from me This night will bring him back to me Fly to a dream Far…

33.28 %
Kulkurien kuningas
32.27 %
Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean
32.10 %
Sinisilmä (Blue Eyes)
Maija Kauhanen
28.85 %
Katri Ylander
28.04 %
Feeling blue

…always easy on wedding days. You all are supportive to us, its all new, they have their childs, you all like to joke about us, its part of the game, not show the old romance, you all have the new dress, its lovely, like old days. You come and go like i new, its our day, your sisters are feeeling blue.…

27.93 %
Kaunis maailmain
27.89 %
Katri Ylander
27.70 %