Search results for query: leevi &leavings, Laura Jenna Ellinoora Alexandra Camilla Jurvanen

Song and Artist Hit-%
Luonnollinen valinta
Leevi and the Leavings
80.03 %
Kuin jäisellä peltikatolla
Leevi and the Leavings
74.11 %
Leevi and the Leavings
70.86 %
Leevi and the Leavings
69.71 %
Lumettoman Talven Tarinoita
Leevi And The Leavings
65.63 %
Elina, mitä mä teen?
Leevi and the Leavings
65.19 %
Kerro Terveiset Lapsille
Leevi And The Leavings
62.10 %
Mieletön Melinda
Leevi And The Leavings
62.04 %
Koko talvi kesämökillä
Leevi and the Leavings
61.04 %
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