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Its your nature
Piia Myyry

…the juvenile crimes, you where then a young child, you dont even come, from bad neighbourhoods, its your nature, you really are rude.…

32.59 %
Our Diabolikal Rapture

…In our diabolical rapture, we live on and on And Death keeps knocking at our door So we open the door and we die a bit more We're in love with death and we die on and on Won't you close our eyes We'll be by your side…

28.19 %
18.72 %
Ghost Brigade
17.55 %
A Return to the Sea

…A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

16.42 %
Return To The Sea

…A star falls down from the darkened sky Where new worlds born and die Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow What it means is soon to be known Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace On…

16.42 %
Kuubalainen serenadi
Ture Ara
15.18 %
Vesa-Matti Loiri
14.82 %
Yö Turengissa
Martti Innanen
14.45 %