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Merkonomit ajaa turbo saabilla
kake singers
22.60 %
Sateinen Ilta
Topi Sorsakoski

…taas. On pilvet nuo syksyn sadetta tulvillaan. On pilvet nuo kaiken peittäneet vaipallaan. Mun sydämein toivoo salaista hurmaa, vaikka tiedän on turhaa kaipaus tää. Kuin pilvet nuo mun on mieleni rauhaton. Tää haaveeni kenties turha jo on. Sua yksin vain yhä oottelen armain. Sydän parkani itkee kuin sade tuo.…

20.39 %
Losers with Halos
Park 7

…another day for God's sake so it seems like we've got all night do you still remember those times i couldn't see that you needed me i was too cool now we agree let's forget the history we are the same you and me losers with…

19.87 %
Juice Leskinen

…Länsimaiden perikato on jo ovella Kauan on ne elättäneet kyytä povella Miksei touhuun mihinkään ne päätä sovella Shake, öljyshake Shake, öljyshake Shake, öljyshake Shake, öljyshake Entiset rusthollarit Nyt kerää…

18.74 %
God Forsaken Land

…truth in disguise? The truth is found behind the wall of lies We should be disarmed now or never Or the war within ourselves will last forever I can't be what you want me to be Come and take my hand, no need to understand…

17.13 %

…I'm gonna dance this night up She's got the cash, I won't need mine It'll all be fine, I'm already calling on her landline I'm gonna drink you pretty, you'll put on the nice dress But for safety's sake; my place after…

15.29 %
15.22 %
hei vaan heilani suloinen
15.19 %
The Wonder Of The Christmas Day

…is that wonder of the Christmas day Another cake for vacation's sake I aim to eat and sleep as much I can Put on some weight, I'm like 258 But it's all just part of me so I don't give a damn, yeah. And I don't know why…

13.89 %