Search results for query: what-does-cmas-mean-on-your-phone

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Kill your soul
Piia Myyry

…Can one kiss kill your soul, can one chag break it all, to be one step ahead, prevent you of to get it? Does it all lead to the break? How do you really ease your pain? Or is every thing for you a big game. Do you want…

48.61 %
Women make you mean
Piia Myyry

…, everyday you make new connections, its your game. You all have been informed, to the city, you all make violance at peoples offices, you keep it fun, but you broke their neck all the time, so you have something to do, it has…

42.91 %
Mean and harmful
Piia Myyry

…to sit, and calm down of their actions. You all are like russian, mean and harmful, to the third parts, why you can live like that all your life, its risky in every town, your just continue your life.…

41.11 %
Your rainbow

You have the skills. you love the trills, you make your work, you talk to girls, you love to be mean, you like the feeling, it boosts you ego, its ill, but you love it still, money is your love, you have a new car, you

33.77 %
the life you mean

…days. You come and go, you say its back and forth, the life you mean, it all it here so easy. You came to me, talk free, you like your moves, its never the same, you move and have space, you do your things, its easy, no…

33.52 %
What kind of music is walch

…colder of full path, but does it change anything, of you, is it easier alone to move. Then comes the emptyness, if you like it, everything is fine, otherwise its all the same beat, like if, your head is like a broken glass, it doesnt matter, what kind of music, is the walch.…

31.81 %
If I Had Your Number
Nylon Beat
30.92 %
Your love is invisible
Piia Myyry

…new wictim, its your own life, you do nothing, get excited of attention, even if it is violance and mean. You like to change women, not the work, or anything like that, what you need, you just do things, you really…

30.66 %
You really are eval
Piia Myyry

You all want your violent surroundings, you like to beat humans, in the gates, like they have no meaning, you focus on your own need, they have already several kids, you just need you own living, we are ashamed you of…

29.83 %