Once there was a boy back in time of the heathens Day after day he just kept dreaming things that would make him weaker His father could not make him see, that there is more than dreams But he wouldn't listen to the words of his father Cause he's a little dreamer
Along his quest for solitude A wise man came and told him to follow the stars
He ran to the forest with whirlwinds by his side He's lost in this world of lies Take him back where rivers flow upwards He is the one who lives under a moonless sky looking for time Take him back where stars are shining bright
Far in the lands of icetop mountains far on the other side pictures are appearing so serenely into my mind Far in the lands of meadows of fire deep in forgotten life memories are drifting away so silently from light
Along his path of misery A wise man came and told him to follow... the stars Little Dreamer...
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