The Path


There is no turning back from this unending path of mine Serpentine and back it stands before my eyes To hell and back, it will lead me once more It's all I have as I stumble in and out of grace

I walk through the gardens of dying light And cross all the rivers deep and dark as the night Searching for a reason why time passes by

With every step I take, the less I know myself Every vow I break on my way towards your heart Countless times, I've prayed for forgiveness But Gods just laugh at my face And this path remains Leading me into solitude's arms

I see through the darkness my way back home The journey seems endless, but I'll carry on The shadows will rise and they will fall And our night drowns in gold

Amidst all the tears, there's a smile That all angels greet with an envious song One look into stranger's eyes And I know where I belong

I walk through the gardens of dying light And cross all the rivers deep and dark as the night Searching for a reason why time would've passed us by

I see through the darkness my way back home The journey seems endless, but I'll carry on The shadows will rise and they will fall And our night drowns in dawn

The shadows they rise and they fall

And the night drowns in dawn

The shadows they will rise and they will Fall

And the night drowns in dawn...

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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