In fear of somthing so unheard of she tries to hide but she can't (whoa oh oh ) looking for an advantage cause he is too far gone
fighting the light that shines in through the window running away from what she don't know breaking away from the streak that she can't hide from but theres not enough time to love (her love is too long)
again her stays restless as she hides in the dark waiting for the light to break through as the wall begins to fall (oh it's so strong)
fighting the light that shines in through the window running away from what she don't know breaking away from the streak that she can't hide from but theres not enough time to love (her love is too long)
how is her love so strong no one can break the wall trying so hard to win her there is too long to love (cause)
fighting the light that shines in through the window running away from what she don't know breaking away from the streak that she can't hide from but theres not enough time to love (her love is too long)
fighting the light that shines in through the window running away from what she don't know breaking away from the streak that she can't hide from but theres not enough time to love (her love is too long)
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