

I kissed the void And crawled straight into its heart This golden all I go I prayed to hear again That serpent song Wishing it be over

When love starts to die It begins with a kiss Violently soothing and warm When love starts to die When love starts to die So do I (So do I) So do I That's right

My feet fail me In heart and stone Still waiting for your cold

When love starts to die It begins with a kiss Violently soothing and warm When love starts to die When love starts to die So do I (So do I)

Ooh Ooh Love is a circle Like angel's wings spread

When love starts to die It begins with a kiss Violently soothing and warm When love starts to die When love starts to die So do I So do I die So I die I die

When love starts to die When love starts to die So do I

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