A dominant lifestyle

Piia Myyry

You really torture people, you have a family, but you are not keen on being there, i have been on rails 10 years, its rough, you just sit in a car, when other people drive.

You like you lifestyle, dont you see from peoples faces, maybe they like something else, not to see nagging faces, its all to funny or serious, all is like in a movie, its for the people, to spend time.

You talk all day long, all the same things, a spinning in your head, they have an easy work, life is richer with human, you are not interested of people, you are not keen on their lifes.

You dont really like anybodys faces, you just need your own space, if I stay at home, the nagging start, if I go out, I am there the whole day, its enough, must be home, earlier, nothing is really good, you really have a dominant lifestyle.

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