The sex life sucks an energy, but gives a lot, without it you really suffer, believe it or not.
I have a good love in bed, I have just started to wonder it myself. What gets you in the mood, the good love for sure.
I have found new shoes, they tell me to strech, I do it for sure, fot to please me, it is easy to be selffish, in bed your body to feed.
Can you tain me with your manhood, I am like an duracell bunny, I can please you al lot. In every shop you can find love, it is easy in big cities to have skin, if you desire a lane.
I am a coastal girl, I just realized it, I need the sea, I have learned to be by the ocean, its the way of life, I just need it.
I just get crazy in inland cities, until I get to Paris, and dont feel so dizzy.
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