A millionare


I m not a millionare, but my education costs enough in states, it means work all day long for me, including studies. It is a fulltime work, legal education, costs 3 million in states, so I have heart, with all the costs during the years.

I have been educated in finland, for us here, everything is almost free, comparing to the states, its like winning a lottery. they are traineg to be in intellectual society, when they really sometimes talk about something important.

I havent been for a long time with so lazy people, they do nothing and are old, but still, they have really a lot of opinions of everything, what people should do or how they should live. Non of the good moments, are really not the same, for me, they are arrogant on their own games,

If you like people to be opinionated, there is a political sector, where it is respected, anyway, they want to see the political fight, and rebels, if you like it, maybe it is your stage.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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