You all make people tired, you are really mean to the humans, you dont let them be, its always you and your needs, you are social in your own way, people, have their own need, you like have conpany, even they dont need it, you all love to beat people, you still are in gates, even you dont need it.
You all have time to see, you dont call to police, even you see raw violance, which is beating people at their homes, to get some samples, you have no stop to any crimes, its all the time the same life.
You all work in the hospital field, the game is raw, even we have made the same studies, you all know how to make, constructions in bosied, they make people feeling tired, of all the violance, you like to prevent the birth, almost everything, what the women want, still the same life, almost century ago, the same kind of live.
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