You all want to be at peoples necks, you do your work, its always the same things, in the mornings, you really are insane, you are all at the same work, you tag along your relatives, they are you group, when you really are like gypsies from the noon.
You all belong to the same group, you do your nive thing, the atmosphere, is you mood, you go nowhere, you all are like your wifes, its all the time, the same people wages, its not my world, you do your own things.
You fun is no fun for us, you just talk all the nights, you all are really the same, you all want to spend time, with people, you dont care, you really have the same tone, its not even a nice walk, its all your own relatives, you really are not nice, i have seen better people.
You really have your clother on every morging, you go nowhere, go round the street and talk, to your friends, nobody wants to see you, you have divorces meny times, you really have bad mood,
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