Birthday guy


I give you drinks, so I can see, how you feel. Does it make you wicked, or do you cry like a small kid. Do you have the touch to dig the love, if its hidden deep and far.

Do you give all the passion, do you play with the life, it was earlier a good and deep fashion. Yo can still see it from peoples faces, they have discovered new dimentions and spaces.

Are you already at the age og Chanel 5, or do you need still to quide. Are you having fun light, it is your style, what you have to offer, or do you have a VIP card. To invite your friends to the evening night, so see how people act of do they fight.

You have today a B-day, you are on focus and, its a fun day, there is a big fiesta in a Hungary GO, so dont show any sad face. Its your celebrity fiesta, all the others can go to have a nice siesta.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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