You still love me, even your face looks black, it gets into you, i see it, you want love, you are a passionate guy, 'you like romance, 'its in your genes, it all comes, so easily, you dont seek denial, its your own live, women need to be easy.
Always available, you like that style, ' bossy style, but you love your life, it mekes you whole, you dont want to surrender, its out of your ego. Let me come to you, 'I love to spend nights with you. in your rooms.
You all want to play and tease, 'it all is part of your world, ' in latino chambers, its all about fame and money, you come from latino beaches, the waves are big and life is easy.
You ask a girls to your rooms, you pour some wine, its hits to the head, you can feel it, its a like rumba nights in fashion restaurants, where everything is so giving
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