Breaking the rules

Piia Myyry

You have been waiting for your whole life, the new products for your life, to give n´money, its is all okei, it doenst really come for me, its all something, what you are offered, what you see.

I like to spent time with you, grouds are more powerful,¨ they work on groups, its is sort of powering, you get everything of amouts of people, when they are violating things.

These people are criminal, 'they benefit of it iat work, 'all the time, they run their own criminal life, ' they come from estonia, 'so it the style.

I have been living in several cities, I never have seen, such a violence group, in other peoples cities.

They attack to their homes,' beat people, that they cant go to their works, they steal so their retired money. People do nothing even it is so criminal, breaking the rules is just fun.

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