Bulevard or rambla

Piia Myyry

You all spend your times on roads, you have used to it, so you have always lived, you come from norths to helsinki, it gives you living, everything has been easy, you have your own relations, you dont need to seek everything, over and over again, friends, fullfill your needs.

You all get what you need, you all move the people, against their will, you all gave families, but organized crimes you make, you roll it in the same groups, every day.

I have seen these kind of living in other cities, people have no work they steel, you like your work in hotels, it is easy, they seel all the money and cards, there is no way out of the countries, without passports and id cards.

So is living hispanic and latin people, they steel everything, like old times at the sea, you see pirates in passages, like bulevard or rambla, nothing has changed, you are stucked, on the land, you cant really leave.

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