I didnt know you are such a womanizer, taking women to the ride with your car during the nights, helping them with their everyday lives, to make a life easier, but defenately not mine.

You just dont do anything like that to the family, suddenly everything has changed from the start. i dont see you at all, but you still must always find the right hole.

If you dont like closeness or pure love, you can always choose something else, playing with the girls like the toys so far.

You should be in restaurant with me, we have had a lready time to talk and love to feed, you can choose your own path, like changing every day a new hat.

it doesnt impress me much, I have my own life to fight obout. without the business you would be an ordernary guy, now you are lift to the different level and so far.

We have seen you a lot in tv, i have seen your dad, we are getting along well, but you were more fun, when I stayed in Finland, and you had only change to play, and have fun.

I havent ever seen such a logo decidions. Money concures rationaly and coldens the feelings. We dont love like in Brazil with motiones, we are in Madrid, which is city real stabil?

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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