You are not in the right place, your atcion is like from lunatic plece, you really do what you want, eval people have the same joy, like all of you.
You really dont see each other, but the style is the same, day after day, you have already found another, you really dont flex at all, you allready have a new life, before I turn, you just dont love no-one, i am not your mom, you tell all kinds of fun, your friends are alike, to latin amerika you all run.
You have everykind of fun, your fucks are all the same, you just want to see their face, play with peoples lives, 'its just a game for you. you want to have hiv kids, so you have something to do, and play with, you are bored already, finding new fun to play with, you all are really insane, you just work that way.
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