family trees

Piia Myyry

You liked to have experienced, you are not keen on romance, it doesnt suit you, you like the hard work, its all what you do, you like skinny girls, during the years they are, what ever you need, you are not keen on women, just services, and have fun fwith your girls.

You have lifed like it over the years, you have no friends, its work and women, there is not much help, in big cities, people like grouping, they can share the moments, you all like the families, like in the north, people have support of it all, you all like to have a family, you dont see them much, they have their own interests, which goes easily.

You all have the same kind of days, its rough in big cities, heavy work load, you can run around, to get everything done, you prevent peoples work, you know what to do, its your own world, you arrange accident with your friends, dr.evals are the same, over the years, come from the same family trees.

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