give ti all to me

piia myyry

Touch me, when i need it, do it without the shame, so its like a life.

You can feel all my emotiones, it is so easy to feel all the motiones, when you are there.

you touch me like else, it feels so good, i could cry, for happiness, and this game, its though the game of lovers,

Our love is like a eternal flame, its always there, more hideen or some where, in your body or face.

You make me surrender like else, its you fault, I appreciate it. I want sexual space of all the other things, its number UNO,

I havent love anything like this, after arriving to madrid, and seen people, I am keen.

I havent had the love like this before, its so giving and unique, I cant beg for more. I sometimes get so shy, from this all,

our love is a hidden thing, who believes it or not, its their thing. I really count on it, i cant wait forever, all I want is a family and my own space.

you need to make a kid with me, there is so continuation, which both of us feeds. , so just feel it, and give it all to me, so its signed and sealed, like every contract, indeed.

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