I am not young anymore


I am not young anymore, I am slow and desire love, all day long. I just want to come home, do the tricks, and gove you more, I just do it. like you want it, we have all the time, just to have fun of it.

Our love is just like in the movies, so hot, people are just jealouse of it all. I just want to be with you, you do it everything so good.

you give me such a passionate love, I have missed it a long, had to go pick it up so far, luckily distance really dont matter, the love is really not like a water, I open my doors to get in, every day, and hope you to stay.

Just do it, like they say, in clothing business, you keep me warm, you can really ring my bell. We can do it, like in a caribean cruises, just to enjoy, and want for more.

I just beg you not to stop, I just want it a lot, its just our love, I just want romance in bed, yu know, how to give it, just dont leave me.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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