I have no friends

Piia Myyry

I write to myself, I am mtv generation, its my friend, i do everything myself, there is not much aid, I have no friends.

You all still have your cosy lifes, in vienna its really a city style, grinzing wineyards and capriolet cars, its sunday when you see your friends, and collect all the cars.

I just seen it in central zones, i am a homy girl, i dont work. My husband pays it all, its like a latino style, a man concures it all.

You have now your new lifes, old girlfriends and new cars, you all seem to have a tiny life, you are eaguer to spend time with the wife, the jealousy runs.

They all are bitter, they have gained really nothing, they are really not keen on it, they like to swallow the bitter stone, it doesnt seen to bother they much, they are used to it, they a too svartsjuk too much.

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