I want fire, all nights

Piia Myyry

I show you mine, you are my sky, come to your house tonight, 'you are my life, amore, under the spanish sky, you can to it all, allrights, ' you are my lolita, you are like my life, sparklling like a chanpaign, you must come tonight, we have all the time.

You love in a distant land, but it is alright, you love your body, I can see it from your eyes, you are just fine, we have tickets to cancun, sandbeach to start a new life, come to me, you are my sky, you have my life, you are mine all nights, i can se your bosy shapes, on my eyes.

you all have seen it all, latino girls on the beaches, over the nights, you already have your works, it sucks all the energy, you cans sadisfy my needs, its like holding hands, i want fire, all nights.

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