You all have been seen,the same game over again, you really wait another same scene every day, you have your gates open when you make crimes, its never open when they need to be helped, you like suffering, split people of their lives. Its always the same time, after the xmas ar easter, when you have the parties, and own fun.
You are all the days criminal, you seek the event, which lead some other destinations, than you want, you arrage the same kind of actions, all day long, you raise the aggression, beating them all day long, the investigations, are all the days the same, you arrange crimes, you have choosed your space.
You all make the same mistakes every day, its the same kind of actions every days, you all play with police the same games, you run your illegal sector, you make crimes as a ghost like you want, you all want to control peoples life, its black, you make everyday the same path.
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