In the EU

Piia Myyry

You all are restless teens, you have so much energy, you don't need to worry, about anything, you have your old loves, it's important for you, you like life.

You all call back and forth, you talk all day long, you drive around the land, it's your work, it keeps you busy.

you see people in the cities, you like your autobahn, you have cabriolet cars, you go around the nation cities, in the EU, you think we don't follow you.

You give everybody what you are, you don't like violence, you like passion in shady bars, you like to drink champagne, 'it's your brand, you have it every day, you have no empathy, you want to surrender, your women, you don't like, when they walk so proud, of themselves.

You all call back and forth, you talk all day long, you drive around the land, it's your work, it keeps you busy,

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