It gives security

Piia Myyry

You all have gained some money, you like to finance some stocks, its your life, you have wifes, who do nothing, they dont get to work, still they do fine, you like to be on cars, you still do nothing else, except sell and watch your friends.

You have all the places where to go, you have the big kids, time to talk, you have no education, still you eat, you have no work trips, still you leak, its all the time your surroundings, you like to lift yourself, with the asset, it gives security.

You all have the same group of people, you do not much, they have better lifes, you all have the same group, of academic people, they get they work, when people dont need it, you all hant to be between peoples lives, you get money of it, its rude or just ordenary lifes.

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