You havent seen me ever, in my entire life, its not your work, its your lifestyle, you dont want to come home, to see me, or to ask how is the life, to make the days easier, you like your freedom, its important for you, they keep women nicely, all the nights.
They use you for their needs, you do it alone, its sucks energy, you take all the space eith violance, you want to use your power, with your friends, i dont like your humour at all, i never seen such a raw guys, they want to see the tears, all day long.
I dont really understand it at all, nobody wants to life like that, they are my friends ex-boyfriends, they all like to spend evenings at girls space, i have my work buddies, we go out tó see friends.
They use you for their needs, you do it alone, its sucks energy, you take all the space eith violance, you want to use your power, with your friends, i dont like your humour at all, i never seen such a raw guys, they want to see the tears, all day long.
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