Its all about money

Piia Myyry

You are hot on the beach, you stay there in your skini bikinies, you have romance, with your girlfriends, you do the latino dance, you have a white skirt, you call me baby, you are like a crazy, you all want your space like old times, you all have the same fun, the beach is your life,

Your friend like sun, they stay at the ocean, ' all the time, you want the baby with me, you have all the girls to tease, you all want the vip lounges, there you sit the days, they want to be something else, catwalk, and cities, it gives you more, pictoresgue things.

Youe really are not fun at all, all your friends are the same, you really hae no education, you make people cry, its fun for you, all the time, like be on peoples faces, everythime, laplay some cops, you study nothing, its all about money,

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