Its your rocky world

Piia Myyry

I like black people, they know rhythm and beat, thats what you need, you have the same lationo lives, its easy, you run your business lifes, run dmc is you icon, all life, making money is your slogan, all the time.

you dont like a lof of family life, you have though many kids, thay have been made to work, you all have you private door, you really need your crystal ball.

You are an witch in your own world, you life like you have no outdoor, you all have an easy work, you run your beauty business, you like that work.

You make music on your own, you think it is easy, but it really is not, you just need to talk. You lead your crazy life, with your lifestyle you can run lives, you like to be in control, you really need it, its your rocky world.

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