You all make people the products, ita all about the money, 'all your life, 'you really dont care about the people, you play with their health,¨ you have your army games, to have your patiences in your rooms, to see theyir faces, you like your catch, you make them patiences.
You all want to speak with your girlfriends, dont you have homes, to see there, you came to see people, but you dont help, you all want the same, kill of their flats and spaces. It all goes too personal, you dont keep your distance, you all love your sport games, this is no game, its violance.
You all want to see people cry, in these games its not your life, your personal games are just beyond it all, but you seem to want more and more. You all seem to guide your friends, they all have already kids and other games. You are still in the same level, you havent wanted more, just a friend.
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