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Piia Myyry

I have tried to call you, wtithout the success, I have problems at my phone, its nothing else. We can see when ever you want, take a journey without a adolecents.

I have tried to find space just to two of usk its hot easy in this land. 50 milloin inhabitants is 10 times more than in my homeland.Everything goes throug smootly, I have nothing to complain, I am just not good in languages. but anyway.

SInce you are a mentalist and telepathic, we dont need the phones for ages. You can always find me everywhere, I am never lost or gone disappeared nowhere.The life has changed the laywers a lot. I have been on move, not heart from the peoples or sociaty at all.

I have just taken my time to the work, now is time to move on , not spy. You can see families looking happy, that what i ask, what makes me satisfyed.

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