Morning brunch

piia myyry

I am longing after you, in the lonely evenings. Nothing seem to be enough, except your arms and touch so far. You are always in a good mood, either the long nights, nor tiredness makes you blue.

I am having a morning coffee, I am echausted, body feels like a barrel of concrete. I really want to sit here and write, its theis decidions what they shop. there is different moves during the day, mornings are frefreshing for some, not everyone enjoys the morning sun.

These sleepless nights make me dizy. I need a good sleep, so things go easily. People gathered to the brunches, take a time to enjoy, and make more fun moments.

i dont know how is your work. This song is "para ti" from Finland, Yoiu can feel the armosphere of baltic sea, polar circle hits your face, its pure nature, it cant be taineted. It is like the love, with furious turbulences, even if having a good coffee day, do it only yourway.

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