My own things


I have always been alone I have my books and the toys, I cant beg for more, I dont have friends who to trust, they dont pay my bills, or take care of my needs.

I dont have the sisters or brothers, with whom to compete of it all, or to tell nice things, or who to feed. I have friends but they have their own lifes, and fights. They come to ease their own lifes to say, hi.

I just want to make music, this time, it all comes easy, I dont need to push so hard, or seek for a big star. I dont care what people say, they dont know, how to collect money anyway.

I have just graduated from the school, to make a new move. I have always liked to be abroad, it goes easily, to move forward, or seek something new, to fell to be on move.

I just do my own things, I dont want to hear, what the other people think. They have their lawyers work, its not so rosy life anyway.

Lyrics are submitted by user: anonymous.
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