Nbody really loves

Piia Myyry

Irish music is now the finnish style, we have new friends, all over the city, they life in nice places, you like jugend style, it feeds you beauty, desire for all estetics, you like it on your own way, they have fun at bars, irish music, the irish soul is deep, it sings sadly.

I have london friends, they work in law, have supper, you like it that way, you have too many wholes, i dont like your talk, tired to hear about your women or their holes, who is who, you can just live there, it dosnt feed me or my mood, i get fed uo of all your moves, money doesnt change it, its your style of living with women.

Those people have every kind of party, dont you know what it all really means, you can all live in your boxes, you allhave diseases, you have your own groups like gypsies, its the same everyday, not many are keen on seeing their faces, tired of been with you and your friends, it gives me nothing, you like that kind of people, who breaks peoples homes, enjoy of it., nobody really loves no-one, they get fed op of their childs and exlifes...

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