Only heart

Piia Myyry

You all play the eval games, you all love you comedian games, there is though the violent part, you never stop, your life rolls like that, all the time, you have liked the different style, you get excited of books, when people have to read school, all the time.

TIme goes where you want, you like in gates, all day long, you live there another life, its still live, actions are as criminal, like daylight. You all want the dimendions, you know people, but they are not your friends, new victims, you really play the same life, 'earlier we havens seen you, only heard, of yor own lifes.

You never let them live, like they want, its all about you and your moods, you go nowhere with your friends, you dont need them, you have big family, you spend with them all the days.

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