Own paydays

Piia Myyry

You come from the norther land, there is really nothing no soul, you keep them diablos, but so far they dont reach,

you havent seen much, you havent life anywhere, where is gives mas, you have all in your homecounties,

earlier, it was classy, almost in every space, they have no finance, no space, thats all they can give,

you can spend so all your days. You gained your money with relationes, beeing in the right place,

it was really a pupple, whose days, you can just follow the lines, its a good guide.-

You have your own paydays, you dont know, how it goes, you have seen better days, they sick in theis own lifes,

you like your own work, you sell it out, like a diablos, they make money all the time.

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