you really beat kids to cancer place, you are like a satan to people, you have no empthaty, its just your same game, you have killed me already 3 times, its your family, torture humans in finland, never seen such a life.
They reallly have given you, everything from the state, good education but you just beat them, to see the crying face. You life your tripla every day, you really like the vviolance and sex, you have many women, they give you the same, in your rooms.
You dont follow any rules, you want to fix new criminal accidents, and treat then in the city places, you really change their lifes, they have to change their work, and to choose an another wifes.
You really separate people of their own goals, you are always between, other peoples homes, you are really no friendly at all, my friends call you sosiopathic, thay must know you from the jearly days.
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