i am back to my old city, its swedish style, its guite nice, it depends ot people in city, i see n´nobody who i want, they stay at their old friends, you know their old work.
You work for people, but you beat them to be sick, you dont respect people at all, they have to life with it.
You control people, all day long, all your friends are beated, you just make everythng of you own, you beat people, you are dr, how can you be, in payroll, you make people sick , all day long.
You call yourself doctor or nurse, you make allthe cases on your own, you beat them to suffer and so on. All your time h´goes to somebody else, 'you do what you want, in your work, not to see your face.
You take your space with violance, ' you have your own illnesses, you are almost yourself, in grave, all the friends can come too, you are that type, when it doesnt come to you.
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