
Piia Myyry

You just need to start paying, your work is easy, you just need to have fun, this is just an ordinary workday, I dont belong to this land, its cold and people are bore, cold as ice.

You all like to live in your dreams, you have another style, comes from states, feeling of all values dizy, do you think all life is the same. For man everything is almost a game.

I am tired of hearing what you say, You havent been good on anything, you just want to see their unhappy face, you really are not supportiv at all, this is just a song, dont think its personal, or something else is going on,

You life of peoples mistekes, 'you really are rude, you are keen on fucking, all the games are just for you. They run after the money, you think people cant life their own lifes, maybe their parents are supportive.

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